Are You Stressed?

How are you lately? It has been almost six months since the lockdown was announced and everyone has been experiencing some kind of stress one way or another. Soon to wed couples on their wits-end on how to deal with postponing and rescheduling their weddings. Event vendors are receiving nonstop requests for refunds. Breadwinners of the family are anxious about what’s to come and are trying their best to find new ways to support their family. Just imagine the stress of mothers who are to give birth anytime soon. For sure, things like where to give birth, how much the bill would cost, do they have enough money for their baby’s daily needs goes through her mind every single day.
As Dr. Jerome L. Go, a psychiatrist at the Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center reminded us, “There’s no health without mental health. COVID-19 has changed the world and has caused a great impact on our mental health. Worldwide, statistics reflect a high rise in cases of psychosis, addiction, anxiety, insomnia, depression, eating disorders, and even suicide”. Stress affects us mentally and psychologically that is why it is important that we stay healthy and do some self-care to lower our stress levels.
Changing your thinking, behavior, and lifestyle can help you manage your stress. Below are some of the things that we find helpful during these times of uncertainty:
1. Ventilate. A problem shared is a problem halved. It helps to share the load, your aches, and pains. Family and friends or industry associates are good “shock absorbers” since they know what you’re going through. All you need to do is to share your problem. Having a journal also helps. Write your roadblocks and also the good things that happened to keep you motivated. If you think you need a little more help, you can reach Dr. Jerome Go at Click a Doc‘s Konsulta Hotline: 0917 8971866 or visit his Facebook Fan Page at Jerome Go MD.
2. Exercise. Engaging in physical activities can reduce stress, improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, and clears your mind of worrying thoughts. So get your exercise mat and do some online exercise routine with your friends.
3. Humor. Nothing beats a good laugh. Humor is a good stress reducer because it pumps endorphins into your bloodstream. Watching the latest KDrama romcom such as Backstreet Rookie or Jokoy on Netflix might just to the trick.

4. Distraction. Take a break. Distance yourself from your phone or laptop. Get up from your desk if you’re working. Take a walk outside if you are able to. Dive into something else during your break and do something productive. In normal scenarios (meaning outside lockdown), taking some time outdoors or going out of town is proven to help us relax. Remember your trips to Tagaytay or Baguio? You can also indulge in your favorite hobbies such as painting, online gaming, or baking.
5. Sleep. When you get a good night’s sleep you’ll feel more energized in the morning and you’ll have more energy during the day. To get better sleep, limit your screen time. Too much time staring at screens can lead to headaches and sleep issues. It is advised that you stop using your devices two hours before you sleep.
6. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress. When you breathe deeply, your brain tells your body to calm down and relax. When you are stressed you experience increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, etc. All of these decreases as you breathe deeply to relax.

7. Aromatherapy can reduce stress, increase contentment, and decrease levels of cortisol. Massage with aromatherapy also provides stronger and more continuous relief from fatigue than massage alone. What can be more relaxing than receiving a massage at home with a diffuser on or a scented massage?
Level up your home spa experience by using the following essential oils:
– Lemon is known for it’s calming properties that are effective in relieving exhaustion, mental fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, and tension. Diffuse a few drops of lemon essential oil to uplift your spirit.
– Lie down and relax while diffusing lavender essential oil for a good night’s rest.
– For a relaxing massage, add 1 – 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a carrier oil. Massage to painful areas, sore joints, or aching muscles. It also improves breathing and clears your nasal passageways. The refreshing, cooling effect of eucalyptus essential oil rejuvenates the mind, body, and spirit.
We might be able to avoid the virus but nobody can avoid the stress. So it’s okay not to be okay. You are not alone. Everyone in the whole wide world is experiencing it. Seek out solutions to keep yourself mentally healthy and sane.
When buying essential oils make sure that it’s from a reliable source. If you see the word ‘fragrance’ on the label, it almost always means there are other additives or fillers and this is not good for you and your body. If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, you can purchase your oils through Oils are Blessings. They are an Independent Distributor of Young Living Philippines. Once you sign up, you will be connected with Oils are Blessing Team for personal support and coaching. Any questions? Send Oils are Blessings a message.
Quick note! When using any of the essential oils mentioned throughout this website, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. The information on this site does not constitute advice. We aren’t doctors, nor are we prescribing anything. If you are new to essential oils, it is best to do a small skin patch test to make sure you don’t have an adverse reaction. If you’re pregnant or nursing, or on any kind of medication please check with your doctor before using essential oils. We only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.