When you think of beautiful gowns, a venue full of guests, a spread of delectable food, the bride and groom beaming with their love, every small detail comes together to create a dream wedding. The only thing that will limit you is your imagination and budget.
But these days, what brings you back to reality is the availability of funds and the circumstances surrounding your wedding. So instead of going big and fancy, you may want to consider having a small and intimate wedding.
Here are some reasons why having a small wedding is a smart move.
Bigger savings
A big chunk of your budget goes to your reception and having a smaller headcount will lessen your expense.
More venue options
There are so many creative options for reception venues when you’re not trying to accommodate a lot of guests, you can even opt for your favorite restaurant to keep it simple and share your love for food.
More food and drink choices
Keeping things small means that you can go all out with food. Admit it, what’s a celebration without food, right? Instead of just having a four-course meal, you can now afford to have six. You can serve wine instead of just sparkling wine. A choice of still keeping it simple and save some money or allocate the money you saved to food and drinks.
Focus on what you really want
If you want your favorite cake as your wedding cake, then ditch the fancy 3 tiered cake. If you don’t feel like having a reception program with wedding traditions and all, then there’s no need for an emcee and just dine with your family and friends. Do you love food stations? Then don’t get a fancy caterer. Forgoing some big-ticket items will trim down your budget and make your party more personal.
Make it a family affair
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Small, budget-friendly weddings normally call for DIY projects. But you have to remember that DIY doesn’t mean do-it-ALL-yourself. Get your family and friends to help and make it your bonding session. Divide and conquer is the trick here to keep yourself sane and keep things stress free.
More quality time with guests
When you have smaller parties, you are able to spend more quality time with people who love you. You get to mingle and talk to people you actually know.
Feel relaxed on your wedding day
Because you’re with family and friends, you’ll feel more comfortable being who you are with them. Your wedding will feel like a celebration with family and friends than a production.
More memorable
Time and again, we hear people say that what made a wedding memorable was the food and the decor. But when you have an intimate wedding, the focus is on you, the love you share and your not so typical wedding, the kind that people will remember for years to come.