Don Robert’s Bridal Cars
Landline Number: (046) 471-4076
Mobile Numbers: 09175010322 or 09255010322
The company started in 2004. Owned and operated by Mr. Robert Bautista, Don Robert’s Bridal Cars has catered to more than a thousand weddings, bringing brides and grooms in style into their perfect wedding destinations.
Don Robert’s Bridal Cars has proven its name in the business. The company offers the widest variation of bridal cars, form old ones to the latest models, with their detailed restoration, care, and maintenance of their classic motor vehicle and to the meticulous training of their drivers.
Their fleet of vintage cars includes 1929 Cadillac, 1932 Studebaker, 1933 Ford Convertible, 1936 Austin, 1947 Jaguar Mark V, 1955 Chevy Bel-Air, 1952 Mercedes Benz 170s, 1960 Jaguar Mark II, 1962 Beetle, 1965 Mercedes Benz 250s, 1966 Triumph and more. Newer models include Ultra-Stretched Lincoln Limousine, Jaguar’s, BMW’s, Mercedes Benz, Lexus, Camry, and Chrysler 300c. The company continually adding more Vintage Cars and the latest units to its fleet to serve every client’s dream wedding.